Clowns & Jokers

Stuck in the middle.... Left, right, centre. It's a mess out there.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Union Jack

The Union Jack is 400 years old today. The MSM and PC handwringers kept the celebrations 'suitably' muted. They might have a problem with its history.

Well. Even if it incorporates the upstarts, I bloody well dont!

Not one single Empire driven Colonial second.


At Wednesday, 12 April, 2006, Blogger David Vance said...


Well said - I have been too busy today to cover much.

At Wednesday, 12 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks David. So i see! Look fwd to hearing from u re al-beeb.

At Thursday, 13 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello - how comes you have Jos pic?

Do you know of any one country which doesnt have a history or some kind? To me a/the flag represents more than the sum total of any perceived wrongs.

At Thursday, 13 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see u are covering for Jo, just popped over to JBlog. Formidable task!

It does stand for the present aswell as the past, its up to us to change some perceptions not the flag. Speaking of the past look at the b/w pic.

I dont dislike diversity and have never said so. I wouldnt love London if that were the case. The city was pretty much built on diversity though ill stop short of saying anymore for risk of it sounding like Kens empty rhetoric (whereas i mean it).

Multi culturalism is not the same thing as multi ethnicity. It is the former i dislike. Without the latter my family would still be in Poland.

At Thursday, 13 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you did seem to suggest there was a reason for me not to celebrate my own British identity thru the UJ.

Multi culturalism is a political agenda. Multi ethnic is different.
Not the same things to me at all.

At Thursday, 13 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alison wish you would comment on Harrys Place

At Thursday, 13 April, 2006, Blogger Alison said...

Jonz - there you are. I read Harrys Place every day. & you should comment at A Tangled Web.

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually if you read the comments in the post below (i c dumb people) youll see what i said about HP, tell me if you agree!

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacqui - Are you familiar with how the United Kingdom became united?

Lots of violence all round, everybody guilty there. These days we are supposed to view the Scots, and Welsh as prototypical yogurt worshipping pacifist hippies. Thats bollocks obviously. One reason why Wales and Scotland still had a separate identity (from England) is because they were able to resist the Roman, Saxon & Norman invaders, though not Vikings (really, really violent guys). A lot due to geography of course but also by being violent.

Ironically its the Scots and Welsh who brought Scotland & Wales into in the Union.

The Scottish royal family took over the English crown. Violence has taken place since then but rarely as straightforward as Scots on one side vs English on the other.

Not quite the same with Wales but it was the Tudors (Welsh aristocrats) who wanted to take control of Wales in their guise as English rulers. A fully English monarch might never have tried that.

England did not invade Wales & Scotland and force them into the British fold - though thats how some people look at it. It might never have happened but for the actions of Welsh & Scottish elites.

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Yo Ali! Your TOONOPHOBIA pic is in The Weekly Standard! Let me know if you can't obtain a copy - I will happily send you one. Your buddy is in there, too. We can't see your face but your little feet are sticking down from the bottom of your sign!

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Blogger Alison said...

Jacqui - No i dont! Anonymous covers the 'upstarts' and Adventuress covers a lot rather well also. I think i mentioned my pov on that word multi-culturalism already. Its the multi culturalists who dont accept or celebrate the flag. In a bit of a rush today but will pick up on multi culti next week.

Monica - lol. No i dont have a copy, that would be great. I'll let him know. J0nz?

And Monica - happy birthday to us!

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

start again - Monica is it available on line, couldnt really see anything in there..

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

I'll check and let you know. It's not the current issue (which I just got in the mail).

BTW - I went and got a look at the pic. It's not your little feet sticking out of your sign, in fact we can't even SEE your feet! LOL! The guy holding the Danish flag is in it and another person holding a sign next to you.

At Friday, 14 April, 2006, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Oh! Happy Birthday!!!

At Saturday, 15 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gibraltar English Forever

At Sunday, 16 April, 2006, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

It was in the 'When Men were Men' issue that talked about the Titanic - the article you blogged about. It's in that issue.

Don't know if it's online or not. I still haven't checked.

At Sunday, 16 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am mightily sick of all the ethnics and supporters of coming in and taking over our country., If they are so in love with their ethnicity stay in your own country. The truth is you can't because you have no idea how to run it. I was watching TV today and while the morons in Napal and Palestine are jumping up and down as usual, the Europeans are trying to mutate the Mosquito to relinquish the malaria gene thereby eliminating malaria, there you go that says it all! By the way I want the George Cross as our national flag and the Land of Hope and Glory as our National Anthem. **** the Scots, welsh and irish!!! Do I make myself clear, you poverty makers!

At Monday, 17 April, 2006, Blogger Laura said...

Three cheers for 400 years!
p.s. The piccy of those little girls is precious.

At Monday, 17 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you familiar with how the United Kingdom became united? Did it perhaps involve a great deal of violence inflicted by one constituent country on the others over several centuries?"

God how patronising.

Didnt she notice the picture of the two war babies holding the flag? The point being in her speak "are you familiar with the respect this flag commands and the fact that it represents a proud symbol of one country standing up to the fascist tyranny of another in the most horrendous war the world has ever seen?"

The Irish flag represents 'inventors of terrorism' to me. Does that mean the Irish should ditch it? LOL.


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