Clowns & Jokers

Stuck in the middle.... Left, right, centre. It's a mess out there.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Not Enough

  • What About the Victims? July 7 campaign

  • The thousands upon thousands killed in the Blitz did not receive compensation. At least not that I am aware of - or certainly not to quite the level we expect now. But nowadays this is a normality. Im not quite sure how it stacks up to say that money replaces human life. And of course not all compensation cases are treated equally. However in the case of the July 7 victims it is something else entirely. Check out the rubbish payouts offered to the victims. It is not a great deal of money for the loss of your legs and the massively life changing trauma that ensues so suddenly ~ a heavy price to pay for the grotesque failure of multi culturalism, a concept on which this government has lavished vast sums of our money. Im sure a great deal more was spent on the mosques in which the kind of hatred that we witnessed in July was nurtured. And you only need to glance sideways at the de menezes campaign to see how much more money and media space can be squeezed out for other apparently more worthy failures. Perhaps this campaign is needed to remind us of what happened in July and not allow it to be marginalised as less important over the coming months. However you think about it i would urge you to continue to please do so. And add your name to the unimpressive 10,000 names calling for the government in effect to own up to ALL its failures to these commuters.


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