Couple for the road:
Good read. Can't read French? tough! c/o l'Ombre (great blog) who notes what i thought:
"the banlieues failed to explode into an orgy of rioting and protest as certain folks (hoped) predicted".
I hope Nawal El Saadawi was as encouraged by Sarkozys words in his victory speech - to women in burqas (eg under Islam) - as I was.
She wrote the following letter c/o Ni Putes Ni Soumises:
Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy. Vous qui aurez dans deux semaines les rênes de notre pays, puis-je vous interrompre quelques instants. Je sais que la campagne vous occupe pleinement, mais le sujet pour lequel je vous interpelle est suffisamment sérieux
A l’heure où vous lisez ces quelques lignes, une femme égyptienne, Nawal El Saadawi, est exilée de son pays et ne peut pas y revenir. Médecin psychiatre, écrivaine et féministe depuis près de 50 ans, Nawal a publié une pièce de théâtre en janvier dernier. Elle y écrit que Dieu est un esprit, et non une femme ou un homme. Pour cette « injure à l’islam », l’université islamique du Caire lui a intenté un procès.
Nawal is an Egyptian exile, psychiatrist wroter and feminist who has fought for equal rights in the muslim world and wants to get the Arab world out of 'l’obscurantisme religieux'. She made the mistake of publishing a theatre piece in which she likened God to a spirit - causing offence to Islaaaaaaaam! And so the University of Cairo has started legal proceedings against her.
Maybe they should contact Cambridge Uni for some pointers.
Labels: France
The future for France is going to be very interesting. How will it all pan out? Will he be given a chance? Will they (the French) ever stop having strikes and riots. Will he ban the burqas? Hope so.
Interesting that we heard nothing BUT 'rioting' in France for several days after the election result here in the US media.
Anyway - I'm happy that Sarkozy is it.
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