Clowns & Jokers

Stuck in the middle.... Left, right, centre. It's a mess out there.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Power to the People

Ken Livingstone's transport heavies have been giving someone we know an unjust threatening hard time of late.
I'm pleased to report a citizens victory.



At Sunday, 11 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this in the photo?
I think he stole my coat!

At Sunday, 11 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citizen Smith! A very funny 1970s comedy on BBC about a young Marxist living in Tooting, South London, attempting to emulate his hero Che Guevara. Wolfie is the self-proclaimed leader of the 'Tooting Popular Front' (in reality a small bunch of his friends) the goals of which are "Power to the People" and "Freedom for Tooting". In reality, he is an unemployed dreamer and petty criminal whose plans fall through due to laziness and disorganisation.!..cut and pasted from Wiki but thats a good summary... You can see his coat more on the dvd cover here GOOD coat! :)

At Monday, 12 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

humm, should I admit I thought him sexy?

At Monday, 12 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too..when i found the pic i thought the same. I remembered the opening scene which always made me laugh but googling the image - well yeah he is sexy!

At Wednesday, 14 March, 2007, Blogger Wolfie said...

It just so happens that everyone who goes by the name of "Wolfie" is sexy.

At Wednesday, 14 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a scruffy, bohemian, dreamer, power to the people radical type.... sigh
a girl can only dream ,....

At Friday, 16 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello wolfie - you heard your name then!

At Monday, 19 March, 2007, Blogger Wolfie said...

I have sharp ears.

Hi Alison, how's it going?


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