Urgh. I stood in the pouring rain waiting for a cab. Im not wearing the right kind of shoes for rain. Unaccustomed as I am to such weather. Seriously. It hasn’t rained for months and months. We’re headed for a drought where the water people are thinking about floating huge blocks of ice up the Thames (?) to reservoirs so we can ensure there is enough drinking agua. We’ve had that little rain.
It was already quite dark when I left. Id spent a long long day brokering compromise between Europe and the USA at work. And occasionally catching updates reading the blogs on Hirsi Ali, Bush, Livingstone. The humour and tyrettes needed to see me through the day had fast faded.
Finally. I see a yellow light, few and far between tonight. He doesn’t seem to see me. I panic. Start jumping like a loon. He still hasn’t seen me. He whizzes past. I whistle and then scream “Oiii!” quite charmingly through his open window. He screeched to a halt.
I spring off the pavement into an oily puddle. Im wearing a skirt. Urghaaargh!I want to get home to watch the football.
I may not support the Gunners but I live in Gunners territory.
Cabbie: “Sorry love...Nearly didn’t see you.…(maudish pause) Lehmans just been sent off”, his radio is blaring.
Me: “But isnt he the goalie?”
Still as the 'Londonist' states, it could be worse. This week in 1536 Henry VIII put Anne Boleyn and her brother on trial in the Great Hall of the Tower, charged with pretty much everything in the book. She denies the charges. He denies the charges. His wife disagrees and testifies against them. Her lover, Henry Percy, sits on the jury. Their uncle, Thomas Howard, sentences them. Execution by beheading, two days later.
I admire your knowledge of history, it's always been a weak area with me. I know nothing!
And, although you know I have no interest in footie, I watched the match at my brother's place last night (he's a big Arsenal fan, goes to see them as often as he can). Commiserations. My brother had the good grace to say at the end, that he thought Barc. deserved to win, as he thought they were the better team on balance. If he ever decides to get a blog, I'll put you in touch so you can talk football with him.
Even tho, Krip is a West Ham fan, we watched the game last night too. Those commentators drive me absolutely nuts. As soon as they say (something like) Arsenal is definitely going to go on to win because they are on a roll, Barcelonia got not one goal, but two..WHAM, WHAM! Then what's outta their stinkin' mouths? But (something like) oh, well, we just knew Arsenal wouldn't be able to hold on - this all before the game was even over. Krip says the English are famous for being defeatists.
And as far as Anne Boleyn goes, 'She denies the charges. He denies the charges. His wife disagrees and testifies against them. Her lover, Henry Percy, sits on the jury. Their uncle, Thomas Howard, sentences them. Execution by beheading, two days later.' the old saying, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family" comes to mind. Of course, having Thomas Howard as Catherine Howard's pa and she's waiting in the wings didn't help poor Anne a'tall.
Im not an Arsenal fan but i thought they were the better side. To be down to 10 men and go one up and then only concede in the last 10 mins was amazing ( i thought anyway!). The refereeing as usual in big games was utterly SHITE. If thats what we have to look forward to in the World Cup then i despair. The fans could have got behind them more but i understand that the Stade de France isnt great plus it was pissing down.
Alice youre very right - the commentating was truly annoying.
I couldnt comment on the Hammers game, heartbreaker- as far as im concerned it was a draw.
Poor Anne. Thank her for Elizabeth though!
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